We know where we are going!
We have clear goals and a conscious vision for the future, and we hope that together we can mobilise forces that we could not do separately.
MABIASZ - Our Services
Discount on liability insurance for brokerage firms
Our members can take out liability insurance with the Colonnade insurer at a high discount.
Up-to-date presence in the legislative process
Changes to legislation and regulations affecting the insurance sector are a constant topic of discussion both within MABIASZ and the organisations responsible for them, so we are always ready to represent the interests of brokers and, above all, our members, in the event of any changes. In most cases, when drafting proposed legislation or regulations, we are consulted by the organisations concerned and often take our views into account.
Contact with the hungarian insurance sector
National Bank of Hungary,
we have established a continuous partnership with the Supervisory Authority.
Ministry of Finance,
same correct relationship as with the Supervisory Authority.
Our association was not created to compete with FBAMSZ, but rather to fill a gap. It is important that on issues where the interests of insurance brokers require it, the Associations join forces and fight together to represent the profession, which is now being fully achieved.
Insurance company managers and representatives of MABISZ.
Ongoing discussions are also taking place with insurance companies on the issue of brokers' representation.
Regulatory systems
In the course of our work it became clear that it is of great help for brokers to develop and prepare the rules and regulations necessary for their operation. This is all the more true today, when brokers have to comply with an increasing number and complexity of administrative and legal requirements. To this end, MABIASZ assists its members in the preparation of the necessary rules and regulations. Our members can use the services of Pozderka Law Office at a reduced price and some regulations are available free of charge.
Cooperation agreements with insurers
Each year we collect the existing portfolios of our members as insurance companies and negotiate with insurance companies in order to achieve and develop fair cooperation agreements, one of our main objectives. We strive to reach agreements that will be favourable to the brokers and not at the unilateral dictates of the insurance companies.
Facilitating the daily work of our members, preparing forms and reports
We also try to make the daily work of our members easier. We keep them informed about current issues, deadlines and reports.
Free events for insurance professionals
Every spring, we organise a free three-day professional conference for our members, including a general meeting, where we discuss the challenges ahead, listen to professional presentations and one person from each member can attend free of charge. We also organise shorter professional days around topical themes each year.
Team building programmes and get togethers
We consider it very important that professionals meet not only at formal, fixed events, but also at informal, friendly events, where they can get to know each other, discuss their problems and cultivate the very important personal contacts. To this end, we have organised, for example, our now traditional spring professional trip abroad, and our Sports Day and Cooking Competition in September.
Preparing of insurance broker-identity card
We can help our members to produce the photo ID required by the Insurance Act by filling in a form and sending it to you free of charge.
Other benefits for our members
We try to obtain other discounts for our members from other operators in the market.